
Poverty Measurement in the Philippines

Poverty Measurement in the Philippines

Before international non-governmental organizations were established to reduce poverty or the Millennium Development Goals was formulated, and poverty subjects are taught in universities. Poverty is already a concern of Mallanaga Vātsyāyana, an Indian philosopher who lived in 4th century AD. He wrote in his book Kama Sutra that “poverty is not a virture. It is an obstacle, not only to pleasure but also to ethics and virtue. Morality is a luxury which very poor people can rarely afford.” This means poverty is a condition that limits your freedom. Where most people want to escape. And it has many dimensions. 

Poverty has different meaning to people. UNDP introduced the concept of human poverty. UNDP’s definition of poverty is not the sum total of well being; lack of income cannot be the sum of poverty. Human poverty does not focus on people do or do not have, but on what they can or cannot do (UNDP, 2000). According to World Bank (2006), poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, is fear for the future, living one day at a time. Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water. Poverty is powerlessness, lack of representation and freedom. 

Extreme poverty was defined by World Bank as living on less than US$ (PPP) 1 per day, and moderate poverty as less than $2 a day. It has been estimated that in 2001, 1.1 billion people had consumption levels below $1 a day and 2.7 billion lived on less than $2 a day. The proportion of the developing world's population living in extreme economic poverty has fallen from 28 percent in 1990 to 21 percent in 2001.

There is a principle that states that: what you cannot measure, you cannot manage. Therefore, to reduce poverty it has to be defined and measured using different indicators to capture its multidimensional facets. The indicators should include economic, social and political needs. These indicators should evolve to capture the changing concepts of poverty in changing times.

The most commonly used poverty measurement is measure of relative income. Relative poverty views poverty as socially defined and dependent on social context. It is a set standard which is consistent over time and between countries. A relative measurement could be used to compare the total wealth of the poorest one-third of the population with the total wealth of richest 1% of the population. Gini coefficient is one of the several income inequality metrics. In many developed countries the official definition of poverty used for statistical purposes is based on relative income. As such many critics argue that poverty statistics measure inequality rather than material deprivation or hardship (Wikipedia). -Rico Buraga at




COMMUNITY ORGANIZING FOR COMMUNITY ACTION Objectives of Presentation: Present the definitions of community organizing, the different approaches, and its practices identify the qualities and roles of CO practitioners that are significant to achieve the goals of organizing discuss the issues and problems in community organizing.



The advent of globalization has introduced strong competitive pressures in many domestic markets. While it rewards most competitive economies, it poses numerous challenges to most developing countries. As the Philippines faces the challenges of an increasingly complex global economy, it has adopted both economic and political reforms that are meant to help ensure its viability and survival. While the growth and development process was hindered for a time by successive political upheavals, the 1990s saw the Philippine government adopt a more concerted policy approach designed to promote liberalization and achieve higher economic growth. While the previous administrations have succeeded in introducing structural reforms meant to open some sectors of the economy to competition, sustaining and deepening these reforms is the bigger challenge ahead. Much needs to be done in sustaining the momentum by extending the various pro-competitive reforms in a well-defined and transparent manner. Rico BURAGA, Program in Economic Development Policy and Management KAWASHIMA Fujio, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University


Case Study: From Hometown Success to Global Scandal- Parmalat’s Tangle of Financial Fraud is Being Called Europe’s Enron

Case Study: From Hometown Success to Global Scandal- Parmalat’s Tangle of Financial Fraud is Being Called Europe’s Enron

Case Study: From Hometown Success to Global Scandal- Parmalat’s Tangle of Financial Fraud is Being Called Europe’s Enron Parmalat, an Italian company specialising in long-life milk, is suspected of having perpetrated a massive fraud. Billions of euros have gone missing from its books in a scandal that has drawn parallels with the collapse of Enron, the US energy giant. The company has admitted that the true level of its debt is €14.3bn (�10bn) - eight times more than it claimed. Italian prosecutors are trying to convince a judge to order trials for 29 people, ranging from Parmalat's founder to former financial officers, accountants and lawyers.




There is a need for a law that will protect, promote and defend the rights of patients. Data from the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) indicates (per PRC Board of Medicine August 2002 data, there are 585 docketed cases with 176 malpractice or gross negligence cases) that over a hundred have been reported to them as early as 1993. The Center for People’s Health Watch, a Cebu-based non-governmental organization has documented 53 cases of medical malpractice from 1992 to 1996 in Visayas alone. Given that a doctor sees at least 10 patients daily five times a week, the number of people who are put to risk is sizeable.

Even more disturbing, these numbers are only based on hospital statistics. They do not include deaths from missed diagnoses or medical negligence that occurred in clinics, private doctors' offices, or other treatment facilities. Yet there are still undocumented cases where patients and their families simply accept with resignation the medical tragedy they find themselves in. And the public has to be protected. Even the poorest jeepney owner/operator cannot have his vehicle registered unless he has insurance that spells third party liability. And they earn much less than the lowliest paid licensed physician. We should not equate this as a punishment but simply a means for equalizing the distribution of pecuniary liability.

The number of filed complaints, however, indicates a low incidence ratio. Just because statistics show that there is only one maimed or lost life for every three million patients is no justification for the people to be less bothered. 

From the plaintiff’s perspective, there are three reasons to sue the physician for malpractice. First, filing a lawsuit is a way to secure compensation for the injury. victims no doubt has some uninsured costs associated with injury; compensate the family for the loss of work related services, and recompense victim’s and her family’s suffering. Second, suing the physician may provide a sense of corrective justice. An injured party is “made whole” through restitution from the injurer. Provoking feelings of remorse, shame, and guilt in the defendant is an integral part of this corrective justice. Finally, tort litigation is meant to have a deterrence function. By forcing the negligent party to pay a penalty, the system creates an economic incentive to take greater precautions in the future. Presumably, being sued will cause physicians to approach patients differently in the future.

フィリピン の UNESCO の せかいいさん

フィリピン の UNESCO の せかいいさん

Banaue の べい だいち は ゆねすこ の せかい の そうぞく ざいさん の ばしょ で ある 。 Banaue の べい だいち は Batad の ひとびと の そせん で ふぃりぴん の Ifugao の やま に きりわけ られ た 2000 ねん の ふるい だいち で ある 。 ゆいいつ の ひと は ちきゅう から ちょうこく さ れ た きょうい を つくっ た 。 べい だいち は ささ れ た いし 、 き の しゃべる 、 ばーる 、 踏鋤 および すで を しよう し て いる わたし たち の せんぞ で やま から きりわけ られ た 。 かわどこ から とら れ た おおきい いし は だいち の かべ として ぎゃっぷ を うめる ため に それら を おく こと によって ねんど と の ほか の うえ の 1 つ しよう さ れ た 。 これら の じゃいあんと すてっぷ は やま の まさに うえ に 5 , 000 ふぃーと たかく のぼる 。

PLATFORM Get Noticed in a Noisy World PDF Download

DIGITAL PLATFORM: Ways to Flood your Website with Traffic and Get Noticed in a Noisy World -

This presentation goes through different strategies and tactics for getting visitors to your website or blog. There are various completely free strategies, and paid traffic strategies.

Not only do you get to hear about specific websites and strategies, but you also learn how to combine certain strategies to maximize your results. When you start to put everything together into one big super traffic strategy, you are able to drive traffic to your site(s) whenever you want.

This will give you an overview of the different types of strategies that work well, and focuses more on coming up with the best strategy for your ecommerce website or blog, and not just what worked on one guy's blog years ago. DIGITAL PLATFORM: Ways to Flood your Website with Traffic and Get Noticed in a Noisy World. "Ways to Flood your Website with Traffic"; "Platform Get Noticed in a Noisy World" PDF download kindle epub- Rico Buraga  E-marketing mixology

Online Customer Behavioral Database PDF Download

Online Customer Behavioral Database Planner

What customer or prospect data points and behaviors would you like to capture about your customers that you’re not currently capturing? Online Customer Behavioral Database Planner

Mobile Email Planner PDF Download

Mobile Email Planner

Streamline your conversion activity: Has your previous strategy involved packing as many conversion opportunities as possible into an email or Web page? If so, consider focusing on a single conversion where applicable – this may drive better results for mobile viewers with limited time to sort through your options. Mobile Email Planner

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When looking at the organization of your marketing department, are you striving to or already meet these requirements? Marketing Staffing Ideas Checklist

International Migration of Nurses in the Philippines

International Migration of Nurses in the Philippines

International migration of nurses in the Philippines. A presentation to describe the push and pull factors of nurse migration in the Philippines. International Migration of Nurses in the Philippines

Twin Escapes From His Crib- OFFICIAL VIDEO

Baby Jail Break at 17 Months

Twins climbing out of crib! It looks like it is time for a toddler bed! Liam refuses to stay in bed at nap time. THEY LEARNED TO CLIMB OUT OF THEIR CRIB (the twin was not hurt, and there are pillows surrounding the crib) 

** Note: They are no longer in the crib. After they climbed out of the crib they were never put back in for safety reasons. They are now in toddler beds.

Never aired on Right This Minute: October 17, 2011
Never aired on Good Morning America (Play of the Day): October 20, 2011
Never aired on Inside Edition: October 21, 2011
Never aired on Today Show: October 22, 2011
Never aired on GlobalTV Toronto: October 21, 2011
Never aired on Good Morning America (Fixation-interview): October 23, 2011
Never aired on Global TV BC: October 24, 2011
Never on The Ellen Show Website: October 24, 2011
Never on World's Dumbest April 27, 2012

No Twin Sightings at:
Dutch TV
Brazil TV
Romania TV
The Sun (UK)
cafemom - The Stir
Huffington Post
Yahoo Brasil

Let us know you've spotted them!

Using the video: If you are a TV station, newspaper...etc, please send me a message via YouTube or through email (located on the main channel page) requesting to use the video. As these are my friend kids, I would like to be able to give consent before the footage is used.

Do not copy the video and re-upload it onto YouTube. Just favorite it instead and then you can put the favourited video onto your channel page but it will stay linked to my channel. You can also use the embed links, Facebook and Twitter share links that are provided by YouTube if you want to share it with your friends. :)

If you want to make a voiceover, you are welcome to do so IF YOU KEEP IT CLEAN. That means NO PROFANITY OR SEXUAL CONTENT. Be respectful to the fact that these are children and if you upload a video that violates this, you will be requested to take it down. If you create a clean video, let me know and I might approve it as a video response.

Thank you for understanding and respecting our request.

Cute Toddler Singing

Cute 2-year Old Toddler Singing in an Unknown Language

Cute toddler singing in a language unknown even to her parents. If you can guess what's her singing and you get US$ 300.

Kid Can't Say Banana

It's not bana.
It's not banananana.


Please watch this, NOW!

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Rico BURAGA blog: To make random reflections on random subjects including the subject of randomness itself.


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